

January 2025



The orchestras next meeting will be held on Monday January 13th at 7:00 pm.



Dear members of the Mid-Peninsula Recorder Orchestra,

Welcome to the second half of MPROs 2024-2025 season. Listed below is the music for the orchestra’s first two meetings of the New Year. Please note that great bass and contrabass recorders as well as bassoon will be needed at both meetings, keyboard on January 13 and sopranino recorder and krummhorns on January 27.

January 13

Purcell: Suite from The Double Dealer

Dowland: Lachrimae Antiquae

Handel: Worthy is the Lamb




January 27

Anonymous: Planctus quem Virgo Maria facit

Mozart: Allegro K. 219

Passereau: Il est bel et bon


Di Menzinke Oysgegebn


I look forward to seeing you at these upcoming meetings and working on this music with you. Please let any of your friends who play early instruments know about the orchestra’s varied activities and invite them to attend an MPRO meeting or concert.


Fred Palmer

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Laura Gonsalves


As many of you already know, Laura Gonsalves passed away on December 9.  Laura was a very special member of the orchestra, having served in several different positions on the orchestra’s Board of Directors, as a long time member of the orchestra’s contingent of double reeds and for her congenial presence at meetings, concerts and workshops.  She will be truly missed by all those in MPRO who knew and made music with her. An interment of ashes will be held on January 17th at 1:00 pm at Skylawn Memorial Park, 888 Lifemark Rd., Half Moon Bay, CA 94019. A reception will follow the service.


Fred Palmer



San Francisco Early Music Society has two upcoming workshops. The first is a sing-along workshop with the Boston Camerata on January 28th. Information can found at https://amateurmusic.org/info/workshop/camerata-2025/.


The second is a Medieval & Renaissance Workshop for instruments and voices with Adam Gilbert on Feburary 8th. Information can be found at https://sfems.vbotickets.com/event/Medieval_Renaissance_Playin_Summer_Preview/143683.


On May 2th, The Tallis Scholars will be performing in Berkeley works by Palestrina and Orlando di Lasso. There are a limited number of tickets remaining, so don’t wait if you are interested. Information can be found at https://calperformances.org/events/2024-25/early-music/the-tallis-scholars-palestrina-500/.




Music Director: Fred Palmer


The Board:

President: Kathrin Hoffnagle

Treasurers: Chantal Moser

Membership: Chris Flake

Publicity: vacant

Graphics: vacant

Newsletter Editor: Tom Granvold

Virtual Meeting Host: Ray White

Workshop Coordinator: vacant

Hospitality: vacant

Music Sales: vacant

Webmaster: Dan Chernikoff

MPRO website: http://www.mpro-online.org

Past Months' Issues:
